Nettle tea

Everybody agrees nettle stings hurt, but controversy surrounds the herbs use in healing. Because of the nettle stings, it is used externally to treat the pain of gout. Nettle leaves and seeds are used because of their content with medicines. They have minerals and vitamins among which is iron that is the most important element. The seed with it is iron content is used to treat anemia and it is stimulating the formation of new red blood cells.

KORO tea nettle is used for:

  • Prostate deases
  • General weaknes
  • Anemia; it stimulates the formation of red blood cells
  • Bleeding; it stops bleeding from the nose, inguries, hemmorrhoids, uterus
  • Diabetes; it regulates the blood sugar level
  • Skin exems
  • High blood preasure; diuretic
  • Diarrhea by tuberculosis and flu
  • Hairloss
  • Fat methabolism disorders



Pour 150 ml boiling water over one tea bag and steep it for 10 minutes. Drink the tea several times a day.